Goals & Intentions

I love the beginning of the new year. It’s the perfect time to change yourself. You get the chance to sit back and say, “What do I really want out of this year?” Some people say that you have the power to do that any time of year, which is totally true. But if you’re like me, you need that extra push, that fresh new year feeling to get motivated.

Instead of just having one resolution I want to achieve this year, I’ve made four goals for 2018. I’ve made them pretty open ended because I don’t want to put too much pressure on myself, but I do want to get better! It will be awesome to look back on this year and see what I’ve accomplished to reach these goals.

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I’ve broken up my goals into four categories: Personal, Health, Work, and Dreams.

1. Personal: Turn this house into our home

Slowly, but surely, complete little projects around the house. Paint one room, organize another, and make it our own.

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2. Health: Continue my yoga and meditation practice

I’ve been loving both of these things the past few months and I want to make sure I keep it going! To start off, I’m doing yoga every single day through Adrienne’s TRUE 30 day yoga challenge. It’s been awesome so far!

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3. Work: LEAD the Lighthouse Team

I’m the head of the Leader in Me team at my school. And while I’m doing an ok job, I think I could do a lot better. I want to create change in my school. I want to inspire other teachers. I want to pass on my position to someone next year who is just as passionate about it as I am. This might be the hardest one yet.

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4. Dreams: Travel someplace new this summer

My sister is currently off traveling the globe. I talked to her a couple weeks ago and we threw around the idea of having a big adventure together this summer. Whether it’s a foreign country or a cross-country road trip, I want to visit at least one new place this year.

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Along with these four big things, I also want to make monthly intentions. I want to take these big categories and set smaller goals for myself each month. Writing all these things down will really help me realize, what do I want to achieve this month? How do I want to change my life? It helps so much to write down what is actually important to me and what I truly want to do.

Check out my Instagram to see my full list of January Intentions.

Happy 2018 Everyone!


2 thoughts on “Goals & Intentions

  1. Thanks for sharing! I see you have a bullet journal type set up… you should create a page for each goal for the year and jot down tasks/ideas you have to help you get to the goal and then highlight when they are completed

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