Snow Daze

If you live on the East Coast or even if you’ve been on social media recently, you’ve heard about the recent blizzard that hit.

Like any other southern city, Asheville is not equipped for so much snow. Being a teacher, this means no school on Friday, no school on Monday, and as it turns out, no school today on Tuesday.

Sure, at first I was jumping for joy to have a snow day and a little break from work, but I am also fully aware that these snow days add up and catch up to us later. Sadly, we don’t build in snow days and I know we’ll have to make up some time later this year.

But as I got the news last night that I had yet another Teacher Workday, I realized that this is an opportunity. Like anything else, life is about choices. I can choose to worry about the make-up days ahead or I can enjoy the extra time and choose to be productive in my classroom.

As these positive thoughts started to flow, I thought of all the things I’ve been meaning to get done, but simply haven’t had the time to do! I’m going to do some reorganizing in my cabinets, finish filing student assessments and data, and maybe even catch up on some blog posts.

Life really is all about choices. It may not be ideal to have all this time off when you’re ready to be back in the swing of things. But can I change it? No. So I might as well make the best of it.

The snow truly has been beautiful too. Here are a few moments from my snow days. 🙂

View from our porch
Kitties checking it out
Oberon being brave
Snowy neighborhood playground


Snow Day Selfie 🙂

Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to share any snow day adventures below.

heart Sophie


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