5 Things That Make Me Feel Amazing

Hello friends,

Recently I’ve been really making an effort to better myself. I started off the year by doing Adriene’s 30 days of yoga challenge and it was life changing. I mean it.

I’m not one to stick to things like this. I get really excited about something and try it for a while, but it never holds. So, for whatever reason, I was determined to complete this challenge. I would never miss a day and always make time to get on my mat.

And I did it.

After that, I was craving healthier habits. Elliot and I started eating a whole lot better and now, we are both feeling the change. So, I thought it would be helpful to share the things that have really been guiding me in living a healthier, happier life


1. Switching out my coffee for matcha

This all started after having a little too much coffee one Saturday that resulted in a headache and a lot of anxiety. The next day, I decided to go out and try a matcha latte at one of my favorite cafes, and I’ve been hooked ever since.

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The barista explained to me that green tea is so great because it still gives a little energy boost, but it’s over a longer period of time. That way, there’s no afternoon crash and no jitters at the beginning of your day. I was always worried that I wouldn’t be able to make it through a school day without coffee, but it turns out, I can. And I feel so much better for it.

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2. Yoga (almost) every day

You knew this one was coming. I’d heard people rave about yoga before but it wasn’t until I forced myself to get on the mat daily that I started to feel all the benefits. I feel my body getting so much stronger, especially my core. And I can’t believe how much more flexible I’ve become.

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I say “almost” every day because life happens. When I was doing the 30 day challenge, there were nights when I would do it way too late just to say I did. It wasn’t helpful for me at that point. So while I do my best to do it every day, if it doesn’t happen, I don’t beat myself up. Mental health is important too.


3. Meditation

My sister got me into meditation over the summer, but I’ve been having a lot of trouble staying consistent and doing it regularly. Then, when my mind wouldn’t stop racing the other night, I started doing it again.

It felt so good.


I really like meditating right before bed because that’s often the time when I need to slow down and focus on the present, instead of worrying about the past or, more often, the future. I always have the best night sleeps after I meditate and I know it’s so much better than staring at my phone.


4. Drinking lemon water

When Elliot and I started eating really healthy, we got into drinking lemon water. I go through phases where I crave this stuff. It is so refreshing!


Plus, I feel like it gives me energy when I need a little pick-me-up. Or maybe that’s just because it’s making me drink more water. Whatever the reason, I highly suggest this.


5. Eating lots of veggies for dinner

This one has been really eye opening for me. I love pasta, bread, rice, pretty much any and all carbs. But when we started eating healthier, I couldn’t believe how much better I felt when going to bed, and when waking up the next day, when I had a bowl full of vegetables and a side of protein for dinner.

I also don’t like to limit myself and I was worried that this would leave me with very few options. Turns out, I was totally wrong and I’m finding a whole new way to make buddha bowls that don’t need a lot of carbs. And don’t worry, it’s all still really tasty.



Keep in mind, I’m not perfect. I sometimes crave fried chicken and want to do nothing else but sit around and watch movies. But when I challenged myself to do more of these things, I started realizing how much better I felt. And now, I crave all of these.

I hope you are all having a lovely day, wherever you are.


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